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Tree Services

Formative Pruning

Contributes significantly to the ultimate shape and size of a tree and may help to avoid the need for more drastic surgery at a later date. In a young tree it determines whether it will be feathered or clear stemmed, whether it will have a central leader or be branch headed, and whether the tree will be single or multi-stemmed. Before above after below

Formative Pruning

Crown Cleaning

This involves the removal of dead, dying, diseased, crossing and poorly formed or attached branches.

Crown Cleaning

Crown Lifting

The lower branches are removed in order to achieve clearance for pedestrians, vehicles or property. It is defined in terms of height.

Crown Lifting

Crown Thinning

Selected branches are removed to increase light penetration and the movement of air through the crown of the tree. It leaves the overall shape of the tree unchanged and is defined in terms of a percentage (normally between 10% and 25%).

Crown Thinning


Modern urban pollarding of street trees typically involves removing a percentage of the crown of a semi-mature tree. The re-growth is then removed at regular intervals to restrict both the height and spread of the tree . Many of our veteran trees are pollards.



This technique is used to produce ornamental stems, juvenile foliage (for flower arrangements) and multi-stemmed rather than single stemmed specimens. Traditionally certain trees were coppiced to produce fencing materials, hurdles, spars and firewood on a 7-year cycle.



Is done when there is space to do so, cutting the tree at the base so it falls in one go accurately in the direction intended.


Epicormic Growth

These are the unsightly small shoots that grow up around the base of the trunk and sometimes around branches. These are removed to give a clean and neat look to the tree. Trees often produce epicormic growth when they need more energy or may be understress, for example if they have had their branches removed.

Epicormic Growth


We use a Timberwolf chipper which is the most sustainable way to get rid of waste. In some cases chippings can be used as a mulch - this can be discussed at the consultation stage.

Fire Wood

We have a selection of fire wood for sale please call or see our firewood page for details.


We supply mulch of various ages for weed control and to equestrian centres please call for a price.
